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Through Bill Of Lading


[straight or order] Bill of Lading - Original
[if straight bill, add: NOT NEGOTIABLE]
Issuing carrier


Bill of lading number [Bill of lading number].
Lot number [Lot number].
Contract number [Contract number].

Dated at [Place of issue] on [Date of issue].

Received, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the receipt of the property described in this bill of lading, at [place of shipment].

From [Name of shipper] the following property, in apparent good order [contents and condition of contents of packages unknown], marked, numbered, consigned, and destined as indicated below.

Consigned to [if order bill, add: ORDER of]

Destination: [Destination].

Route: [Route].

Party to whom arrival notice is to be addressed: [Party for arrival notice].

Shipper Measurement Carrier Weight
[Shipper 1] [Measurement 1] [Carrier 1] [Weight 1]
[Shipper 2] [Measurement 2] [Carrier 2] [Weight 2]
[Shipper 3] [Measurement 3] [Carrier 3] [Weight 3]
[Shipper 4] [Measurement 4] [Carrier 4] [Weight 4]

Car numbers: [Car numbers].

Received $ [prepayment] Dollars to apply in prepayment of the charges on the property described in this bill of lading.

[Name of agent], Agent

[Signature, if appropriate]

[The signature here only acknowledges the amount prepaid.]

To be carried to [Designated shipping point] and thence by truck to [shipping point 1], subject to the terms and conditions specified below, and to be there delivered in like good order and condition as above consigned, or to consignees assigns, or to another carrier on the route to destination if consigned beyond [shipping point 2], on payment immediately on discharge of the property of the freight charges due on such property,

Rates and charges:

1. From [Point 1] to [Point 2] of [Price per gross weight] cents per [Gross Weight 1] pounds gross weight.

2. From [Point 3] to [Point 4] of [Price per gross weight] cents per [Gross Weight 1] pounds gross weight.

3. Advance charges of $ [Advance charges] Dollars.

In consideration of the rate of freight named in this bill of lading, it is hereby stipulated that the service to be performed under this bill of lading shall be subject to the contract terms and conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of lading. Such terms and conditions are hereby agreed to and accepted by shipper for himself or herself and his or her assigns.


[Set forth general terms and conditions.].

With respect to service after delivery at [shipping point], and until delivery at ultimate destination if destined beyond [shipping point], it is agreed that:

1. The property shall be subject exclusively to all the conditions of the carrier or carriers completing the transit.

2. The addressing of the arrival notice to the notified party shall be exclusively the obligation of the carrier completing the transit.

In accepting this bill of lading, shipper, owner, and consignee of the goods, and holder of this bill of lading, agree to be bound by all its stipulations, exceptions, and conditions, whether written or printed, as fully as if they were all signed by such shipper, owner, consignee, or holder.

In witness whereof, the agent signing on behalf of [issuing carrier] and of the connecting carrier or carriers and its or their owners, severally and not jointly, has affirmed to this bill of lading.

[Shipper], Shipper.

[signature of authorized agent]